Pain In The Wrist!
(too old to reply)
2005-11-21 19:01:59 UTC
Well I have just got back from the cash converter in Bedminster (Bristol
UK) where I found a set of 5 used radical fish juggling clubs for £25!!!

Now I'm not a club juggler, well I can do a 3 club cascade with doubles,
but have managed to get 5 balls above 300 catches or so.

It seems after juggling these clubs for a bit that my nails are broken and
fore arms are quite battered-especially after trying to juggle 4 clubs.

Does anyone know and can tell me some tips to prevent injury? Maybe there
spinning to fast I don't know.

Please Help!


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Little Paul
2005-11-21 19:49:18 UTC
Post by Stallie
Well I have just got back from the cash converter in Bedminster (Bristol
UK) where I found a set of 5 used radical fish juggling clubs for £25!!!
Wow. I wonder who was strapped enough for cash to get rid of them
there... CC will probably only have lent them £15 at the most against
Post by Stallie
Now I'm not a club juggler, well I can do a 3 club cascade with doubles,
but have managed to get 5 balls above 300 catches or so.
It seems after juggling these clubs for a bit that my nails are broken and
fore arms are quite battered-especially after trying to juggle 4 clubs.
That's an occupational hazzard which (I'm told) goes away once you can
juggle 4 clubs.
Post by Stallie
Does anyone know and can tell me some tips to prevent injury? Maybe there
spinning to fast I don't know.
I'd sugest putting down 2 of the 5 clubs and going back to 3 ;-)

In other news, if you're in bedminster, I *may* have a lead on a practice
space your side of the river. Interested?
2005-11-22 10:30:09 UTC
Post by Little Paul
In other news, if you're in bedminster, I *may* have a lead on a practice
space your side of the river. Interested?
Yes Please!

----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
Little Paul
2005-11-22 10:43:33 UTC
Post by Stallie
Post by Little Paul
In other news, if you're in bedminster, I *may* have a lead on a practice
space your side of the river. Interested?
Yes Please!
Cool. I'll let you know if it comes off.

2005-11-21 23:43:08 UTC
I juggled thru wrist pain and regretted it, and the pain lasted for a
long time. I suggest not to juggle until the pain is gone. Juggling
isn't worth losing your wrists.
2005-11-22 01:43:11 UTC
Trim your fingernails and point your elbows away from your body.

----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2005-11-22 03:20:01 UTC
Post by Stallie
Well I have just got back from the cash converter in Bedminster (Bristol
UK) where I found a set of 5 used radical fish juggling clubs for £25!!!
Now I'm not a club juggler, well I can do a 3 club cascade with doubles,
but have managed to get 5 balls above 300 catches or so.
It seems after juggling these clubs for a bit that my nails are broken and
fore arms are quite battered-especially after trying to juggle 4 clubs.
Does anyone know and can tell me some tips to prevent injury? Maybe there
spinning to fast I don't know.
Please Help!
just keep throwing them, you will make necessary adjustments without
trying anything drastic. we have all been through the process. a good
practice is to turn against the two in one hand ie go the opposite way
that the clubs naturally want to go. do this until you can turn completely
around and 4 clubs will be a breeze!

Post by Stallie
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----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2005-11-22 05:39:16 UTC
Post by Stallie
Well I have just got back from the cash converter in Bedminster (Bristol
UK) where I found a set of 5 used radical fish juggling clubs for £25!!!
Now I'm not a club juggler, well I can do a 3 club cascade with doubles,
but have managed to get 5 balls above 300 catches or so.
It seems after juggling these clubs for a bit that my nails are broken and
fore arms are quite battered-especially after trying to juggle 4 clubs.
Does anyone know and can tell me some tips to prevent injury? Maybe there
spinning to fast I don't know.
Please Help!
----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
To ease the pain do this before practice sessions.
1.Put your forearm on a table.
2.Clench your fist
3.Bash the hell out of your arm(s) so it is numb.
4.Juggle pain free!

----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
Steve Bennett
2005-11-22 12:57:50 UTC
Seriously this is a classic - every page on 4 club juggling refers to
it. Basically, you have to angle the clubs outwards. So from the
right hand, the handle will start pointing towards your left shoulder.
It's basically the opposite of 3 club juggling from the throwing point
of view. If you don't do that, when the club comes down, the handle
will be facing towards your right shoulder, you'll catch the handle but
the knob will whack you in the forearm.

As you noticed. :)

It's quite tricky (I found) to get into the habit of forcing the clubs

