Unicycle seat help
(too old to reply)
2010-03-16 23:38:49 UTC
Hey everyone,
This has probably been said by many before...
I am having major problems with my unicycle seat,I have a Torker Unistar
The seat is really pressing against my crotch and hurting me and I was
wondering how to fix the problem.
I think either i'm riding wrong, or i need a new seat?
Maybe some different pants.
Please let me know what you think,
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Dave Altman
2010-03-17 00:00:02 UTC
Post by ep2992
Hey everyone,
This has probably been said by many before...
I am having major problems with my unicycle seat
First, I'd say your problem is that you are on the wrong forum, try:

That being said, it depends on how much you are riding. In a way, it's a
good sign that you are probably
riding correctly. Most of your weight should be on your seat and not your
peddles. If you are riding down
steps, jumping things, and generally riding hard, being sore in your seat
area is to be expected. If you are
only riding a mile or so per day on the street, you are probably doing
something wrong.

Dave Altman
----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2010-03-17 08:24:41 UTC
Post by Dave Altman
Post by ep2992
Hey everyone,
This has probably been said by many before...
I am having major problems with my unicycle seat
That being said, it depends on how much you are riding. In a way, it's a
good sign that you are probably
riding correctly. Most of your weight should be on your seat and not your
peddles. If you are riding down
steps, jumping things, and generally riding hard, being sore in your seat
area is to be expected.
Actually, for most of these things, jumping,riding down steps, etc you
generally take a bit of weight off the seat , Jumping is normally done
stood on the pedals (not rolling hops).
Post by Dave Altman
If you are
only riding a mile or so per day on the street, you are probably doing
something wrong.
If your street is particularly bumpy then it is likely to hurt as the
unicycle will bounce around under you bruising various bits. Wheel size
has a large part to play in this as a larger wheel will more easily roll
over small bumps in the road that would cause problems on a smaller wheel.
Post by Dave Altman
Dave Altman
A couple of other points to make, the seat from the Torker Cx is known to
be something of a brick, it is one of the least comfortable unicycle seats
ever (badly) designed. Try a few other unicycles at your local juggling
club, find a seat that is more comfortable and then make a decision about
which one to buy if you think it will help.

Proper cycle shorts are also a good idea, get ones with a good pad with no
seams in the crotch as the seams (particularly on jeans) can cause
problems with blood flow to your crotch and damage to nerves in the same
area. Also remember that proper cycle shorts are worn without/instead of
underwear (I have known people complain that they were uncomfortable only
to find out they had stuff underneath causing pain).

Hope this helps.

Lestival! 3, 1st May, Leicester, UK
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aaron gregg
2010-03-17 03:39:13 UTC
Post by ep2992
Hey everyone,
This has probably been said by many before...
I am having major problems with my unicycle seat,I have a Torker Unistar
The seat is really pressing against my crotch and hurting me and I was
wondering how to fix the problem.
I think either i'm riding wrong, or i need a new seat?
Maybe some different pants.
Please let me know what you think,
I've got really big thighs and many unicycle seats press against them and
it hurts. I've got a semcycle seat which is really comfortable. I've used
it on other unicycles as it's the only one that works and I think it's
because it is thinner than others I've seen. So my suggestion is buy one
from them. I've had problems with some of their uni's but the seats are

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Jay Linn
2010-03-17 08:33:51 UTC
Post by ep2992
Hey everyone,
This has probably been said by many before...
I am having major problems with my unicycle seat,I have a Torker Unistar
The seat is really pressing against my crotch and hurting me and I was
wondering how to fix the problem.
I think either i'm riding wrong, or i need a new seat?
Maybe some different pants.
Please let me know what you think,
Just a suggestion : Have you tried adjusting the rake of the seat? Some
(but not all) seat are adjustable so you can slide the seat forwards or
backwards a little on the curved mount bracket, so you end up with either
the seat a little forward with the front pointing up (uncomfortable for
many), or pushed back with the rear higher than the front (mostly more
comfortable but you can still overdo it).

To find out if yours is an adjustable model have a look at the studs
which project from the saddle through the saddle post bracket. If the stud
holes in the bracket are lozenge shaped then you can loosen them and try
moving the saddle.

Failing that, you're going to need a new set of leather knackers.

Jay Linn

Semper eadem.
Jellaby =D
2010-03-17 09:53:17 UTC
Post by ep2992
Hey everyone,
This has probably been said by many before...
I am having major problems with my unicycle seat,I have a Torker Unistar
The seat is really pressing against my crotch and hurting me and I was
wondering how to fix the problem.
I think either i'm riding wrong, or i need a new seat?
Maybe some different pants.
Please let me know what you think,
I used to have this problem, my old saddle would actually scrape my skin
off =P but I replaced my saddle with one that has a really spongy bit
running down the centre and it's the most comfortable saddle in the world.
It's a Kris Holm Fusion Freeride, I got it from the unicycle.com stand at
BJC09, so I imagine they're probably still selling them on the website.
----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2010-03-18 06:59:11 UTC
I second this. As a lady, I don't have any extra junk down there to
hurt...but those torker seats still leave me raw and numb. My torker muni
has a Kris Holm seat on it and while it's INFINITELY better, a long ride
will still leave me sore for a day or so.

- beKAH!
Post by Jellaby =D
I used to have this problem, my old saddle would actually scrape my skin
off =P but I replaced my saddle with one that has a really spongy bit
running down the centre and it's the most comfortable saddle in the world.
It's a Kris Holm Fusion Freeride, I got it from the unicycle.com stand at
BJC09, so I imagine they're probably still selling them on the website.
----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2010-03-18 14:14:05 UTC
Post by Bekah.Smith
raw and numb.
Post by Bekah.Smith
sore for a day or so.
Yes, but ride every day and you'll develop some nice leather padding (male
or female / junk or non-junk)...very useful in case someone decides to try
to kick you in the crotch.

Not so useful during courting rituals.

----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2010-03-18 17:35:42 UTC
That's one place where I don't want to develop calluses. :)
Post by Ryan.Bradburn
Post by Bekah.Smith
raw and numb.
Post by Bekah.Smith
sore for a day or so.
Yes, but ride every day and you'll develop some nice leather padding (male
or female / junk or non-junk)...very useful in case someone decides to try
to kick you in the crotch.
Not so useful during courting rituals.
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Dave Altman
2010-03-18 18:38:07 UTC
Post by Bekah.Smith
That's one place where I don't want to develop calluses. :)
Or to try to explain why you have calluses there to anyone that might
happen to see them.

Dave "Betty" Altman
----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2010-03-17 11:01:25 UTC
Post by ep2992
Hey everyone,
This has probably been said by many before...
I am having major problems with my unicycle seat,I have a Torker Unistar
The seat is really pressing against my crotch and hurting me and I was
wondering how to fix the problem.
I think either i'm riding wrong, or i need a new seat?
Maybe some different pants.
Please let me know what you think,
it's your seat, plain and simple. CX seats are notorious for being rocks
with a handle. if you plan on continuing to unicycle i say upgrade your
uni to either a KH or a nimbus(depending on the type of riding you plan on
doing) or upgrade your seat to a KH freeride
well worth the investment if you plan on continuing to unicycle. ask if
you have any more questions

----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
2010-03-18 23:09:03 UTC
Post by unirox13
it's your seat, plain and simple. CX seats are notorious for being rocks
with a handle. if you plan on continuing to unicycle i say upgrade your
uni to either a KH or a nimbus(depending on the type of riding you plan on
doing) or upgrade your seat to a KH freeride
Post by unirox13
well worth the investment if you plan on continuing to unicycle. ask if
you have any more questions
Thanks for your help,
If I were to replace my seat,
could you recommend any good but cheaper seats to use?
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juan flores
2010-03-19 01:17:55 UTC
Post by unirox13
it's your seat, plain and simple. CX seats are notorious for being rocks
with a handle. if you plan on continuing to unicycle i say upgrade your
uni to either a KH or a nimbus(depending on the type of riding you plan on
doing) or upgrade your seat to a KH freeride
http://www.unicycle.com/unicycle-hardware/saddles-and-accessories/sad...> well worth the investment if you plan on continuing to unicycle. ask if
Post by unirox13
you have any more questions
Thanks for your help,
If I were to replace my seat,
could you recommend any good but cheaper seats to use?
----== posted viawww.jugglingdb.com==----
I have the same problem ... after some 10 miles or so. Numb, mainly.
Does anyone know if there are unicycle seats with an open space in the
middle, like those for bikes?. I think they call them prostatic
seats, or something along those lines. You know what I mean.


2010-03-19 10:52:32 UTC
the KH freeride saddle that i posted a link to has the open space down the
middle that you're referring to. that's why it's so comfortable and why
it's worth the investment if you do any kind of serious riding.
Post by juan flores
Post by unirox13
it's your seat, plain and simple. CX seats are notorious for being rocks
with a handle. if you plan on continuing to unicycle i say upgrade your
uni to either a KH or a nimbus(depending on the type of riding you plan on
doing) or upgrade your seat to a KH freeride
well worth the investment if you plan on continuing to unicycle. ask if
Post by juan flores
Post by unirox13
you have any more questions
Thanks for your help,
If I were to replace my seat,
could you recommend any good but cheaper seats to use?
----== posted viawww.jugglingdb.com==----
I have the same problem ... after some 10 miles or so. Numb, mainly.
Does anyone know if there are unicycle seats with an open space in the
middle, like those for bikes?. I think they call them prostatic
seats, or something along those lines. You know what I mean.
----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
juan flores
2010-03-19 15:06:01 UTC
Post by unirox13
the KH freeride saddle that i posted a link to has the open space down the
middle that you're referring to. that's why it's so comfortable and why
it's worth the investment if you do any kind of serious riding.
Post by unirox13
it's your seat, plain and simple. CX seats are notorious for being rocks
with a handle. if you plan on continuing to unicycle i say upgrade your
uni to either a KH or a nimbus(depending on the type of riding you plan
Post by unirox13
doing) or upgrade your seat to a KH freeride
well worth the investment if you plan on continuing to unicycle. ask if
Post by unirox13
you have any more questions
Thanks for your help,
If I were to replace my seat,
could you recommend any good but cheaper seats to use?
----== posted viawww.jugglingdb.com==----
I have the same problem ... after some 10 miles or so.  Numb, mainly.
Does anyone know if there are unicycle seats with an open space in the
middle, like those for bikes?.  I think they call them prostatic
seats, or something along those lines.  You know what I mean.
----== posted viawww.jugglingdb.com==----
ThX a million. I will get one of those. Definitely!


Mike Bridge
2010-03-19 09:12:36 UTC
Post by ep2992
Thanks for your help,
If I were to replace my seat,
could you recommend any good but cheaper seats to use?
Hi there,
my best advice would be to get in touch with the experts at
unicycle.com. Having photographed a lot of the stock there, i realise
how specialist it is and how they know their stock inside out. 0800
980 0711 or unicycle.com
If this is seen as an advert for them, then apologies, just giving my
best advice